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At the end of July 2017, Europe had drier soil than normal in southern Europe, while northern Europe was somewhat wetter than normal.

The atmospheric seasonal forecasts predicted a continuation of this north/south dipole with less precipitation than normal in the south and more in north, especially during the first month. The dry signal for southern Europe could be linked to an emerging La Nina. The hydrological outlooks show lower discharge than normal in southern Europe and France, in line with the dry soil in the initial conditions. There is high probability for high discharge in north-western Russia for the coming two months due to wet initial conditions and large rainfall during the first month of the forecast.

State at starting point, based on ERA-5

Normalised anomaly soil moisture 0-1m

Soil dry in central and southern Europe and wet in north-eastern Europe

Normalised anomaly soil moisture 0-1m zoom

SST anomaly

Neutral ENSO conditions

SST anomaly zoom

Atm. seasonal forecasts (month 1-3) from Copernicus C3S

Indices based on ECMWF

  • ENSO


  • NAO


  • Northern Europe Temperature

    Northern Europe Temperature

  • Northern Europe Precipitation

    Northern Europe Precipitation

  • Southern Europe Temperature

    Southern Europe Temperature

  • Southern Europe Precipitation

    Southern Europe Precipitation

Hydrological outlooks

EFAS (0-1.5 months)

Low discharge in western France and parts of Spain in August/September due to low initial state

Hydrological outlooks (all by ECMWF) zoom

Forecasts for Kaub (Rhine) (0-1.5 months)

SMHI Seasonal