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The operation of any drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) involves a high financial cost that grows when the quality of the water is reduced by factors such as heavy rain, which increases water turbidity, or droughts, which generally increase the concentration of pollutants. A number of different innovate services have been developed for stakeholders in the urban water sector and DWTP managers:

  1. Short-range forecasts of turbidity of inflow to reduce the cost of chemical treatments
  2. a forecasting system for algae growth to reduce health risks

(Potential) Categories of users

(Potential) categories of users: Stakeholders in the urban water sector, drinking water treatment plant managers

(Potential) applications to decision making in the water sector:

Operational, tactical and strategic decisions dependent on water quality changes in the next hours, days, months and decades.

Added value of this modelling approach/model/results

Help plant operators and water managers to anticipate the effects of heavy rain and drought episodes

What decision can be improved with this modelling approach:

Emergency plans and operational measures for DWTP

In which IMPREX deliverable(s) this modelling approach/model /result is described?