Imprex - Learn today to anticipate tomorrow



The IMPREX scoreboard is a protocol and web application for exchanging and visualizing hydrological forecasts skill scores. It allows the intercomparison of different forecasting systems. The application can be run locally by downloading the scores or as a web application.

(Potential) Categories of users

Experts in and users of hydrological forecasts

(Potential) applications to decision making in the water sector:

The scoreboard allows the comparison of different hydrological forecasts and select the best fit for specific applications

Added value of this modelling approach/model/results

The scoreboard delivers an objective measure for the performance of different hydrological forecasts.

What decision can be improved with this modelling approach:

Choosing the best hydrological forecast for operational, tactical, and strategic decisions in the water sector

In which IMPREX deliverable(s) this modelling approach/model /result is described?