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We defined drought indices that express the socio-economic impacts of droughts, rather than adopting the conventional hydrometeorological characteristics. In particular, drought indices are related to local agricultural yield impacts for various rainfed cereals. This was done at the agricultural district level, for all districts in Spain.

(Potential) Categories of users

Water resource managers, agricultural companies, local authorities

(Potential) applications to decision making in the water sector:

Impact-based drought indices are relevant for rainfed and irrigated agriculture

Added value of this modelling approach/model/results

Impact-based indices meet the demand of stakeholders who are more interested in sectoral impacts of droughts than in their hydrological parameters.

What decision can be improved with this modelling approach:

Decisions on adaptation of agriculture to droughts

In which IMPREX deliverable(s) this modelling approach/model /result is described?